FTC Disclosure

Hey there! It's Chris from C2Local.
As you may have noticed, there's a lot going on here on the site.

I have a warm spot for independent professionals and my goal is to help as many as I can, even if I can't work with you directly.

That being the case, I've filled this piece of digital real estate with a crap ton of interesting tools, tips, and techniques and I have every intention of filling it with even more over time.

The thing is, according to my Rich Uncle Sam, that kind. of makes me a blogger.
I may not feel like a blogger but apparently “if it walks like a duck…”

Anyway there are a few rules I need to follow in order not to get out of sorts.

Specifically, FTC rules require me to let you know if there's a chance that I may have a dog in the hunt for any topic I talk about.
(Well, no friggin' duh!)

Specifically, here's what the rules say:

If I interview someone and they grab the bill for lunch, I need to disclose this. If I post a link to something on Amazon link that gets me 8¢ instead of posting an Amazon link that gets me 0¢, I need to disclose this too. If someone gives me a comfy t-shirt with a logo and I wear it in a photo, then I'm an influencer like I'm a Kardashian or something!! And yep! I need to disclose that as well. Disclaimers all over the place.

I get it, transparency; consumer protection. It makes sense and I fully support it. But slapping disclaimers all over the place would be a bit tedious for me and kind of annoying to you.

But rules is rules. So to cover my biscuits and preserve your reading experience, lets roll like this:

If I link to anything that takes you off of this website, just go ahead and assume it's an affiliate link of some sort.

It may not be, but assume it is just to be safe.
I'll point them out if I remember while I'm typing, but even if I don't, just go with that assumption.

Bottom line?

Feel free to check out the different tools and opportunities I bring to your attention. Just understand that if you see value in the stuff I show you and decide to drop a few shekels, you may be doing me a solid as well.

Much appreciated…


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